Sunday, March 6, 2011

In Response to Monterey Herald

Wow!  My first attempt at blogging!

My dad called me this week to tell me that there was an article in the Monterey Herald that essentially boiled down to this: “Why should I donate to your cause so you can take a vacation?”  As this is my sixth season with team in training and I have approached most of you for a donation at least once, I think this may be a valid question that I’d like to take a minute to answer.

·         My training for an endurance event has raised awareness for you about blood cancers and that it is the number one killer of youth under the age of 20.
·         At least 75% of all funds I raise goes directly to funding a cure and helping patients with medical expenses right here in our community.
·         Nineteen of the 39 chemotherapy drugs on the market were funded by Team in Training.
·         The research done on blood cancers is not only being used to find cures for other cancers, but also for AIDS research.
·         I’m part of a support system that connects those with cancer, those who’ve recovered from cancer, and those who have lost family to cancer with people who want to cure cancer.  You can’t put a dollar amount on this kind of love.
·         I’m not taking a vacation.  I’m advocating for a cure.  Advocacy for this cause goes with me all over the World.  I am SO PROUD of what we do; I wear my purple and teal EVERYWHERE.  Over the years, my jersey, hat, and enthusiasm have given me countless opportunities to spread the word about blood cancers, cures, and the good work of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  You can’t pay for that kind of walking advertisement.
·         Okay… I do enjoy the sites of where I complete events… but my fun time is on my dime.  If I stay to have fun, I pay for my own flights, gas, hotel, food, etc.
·         I NEVER ask people to do what I have not already done myself.  Not only do I donate to myself, I donate to others, and I donate my time and energy and funds to my team.
·         I want to take you with me.  If you have someone you’d like me to wear on my jersey in honor of their survival or in memory of their battle, please send me their name.  I will wear it on my jersey.

I am doing two events this season: a half marathon in Humboldt this May and a full marathon in Anchorage this June.  I would be grateful for your contribution that helps fund a cure!

With love,
